Questions about getting a better way to diagnose Autism

1.           What do you think about how easy it is to get an autism diagnosis where you live?

I don’t know.

2.           What are the most difficult things about getting a diagnosis?

I don’t know.

3.           Do you think that the local authorities and health services should have to give out information about how to get an autism diagnosis?

I don’t know.

Questions about improving the way people get support services

1.           Do you think services at the moment are good enough for people with autism?

NO. It is good but not great, there is improvement all the time.

2.           Do you think the law should say that there must be guidance on how to deliver services for people with autism?


3.           I think there should be guidance. I think the guidance should say:

a.    How to organise getting an autism diagnosis

b.   Services cannot turn people with autism away because they have a high IQ

c.    There should be plans for people with autism moving from child to adult services

d.   How to plan for autism services

e.    Who should be in charge of the organisation of autism services?

Do you agree that the guidance should say something about the things listed above?


Is there anything else that you think should be in the guidance?

People who are in charge of organising autism services should know about Autism: for example, organisations such as the NAS rather than Local Authorities. Move-on service plans should incorporate the understanding of Autism and the understanding of the induvial.

4.           Do you think local authorities and health services should have to collect information about people with autism so they can make better plans for services?


6.           Do you have any ideas about the best way to collect information about people with autism?

For example, information about how many people have autism and what their support needs are?

They talk to: doctors; social workers; NAS; parents and people with Autism.

Question about autism training for staff

1.           Do you have any views about the autism training that staff working with people with autism already get?

They need training on how to talk to service users about their (SU)’s background e.g. a staff member talking/asking question to the servers user around the topic of ‘backgrounds’ (social and economic class). Family is a more important topic than what other life experiences you’ve had.

2.           Do you think the law should say:

a.    What the staff who work with people with autism should know and be able to do after their training?


Everybody working with people with Autism should have training.


b.   That key staff should get autism training. The law would not say anything about what they should know.


Questions about jobs for people with autism

17.        Do you have any ideas about what should happen to help more people with autism get jobs?

Give them support and advice on: their Autism in the job; get qualification for the job; get paid, they should have money for their care and be able to get paid; the type of jobs they may like; specific support in areas where needed but not all of the job; and advice on how to dress for work.

18. Questions about the definition of autism

Where do you think the definition should be written? Please tick 1:

a.    On the Bill

b.   In the plan for autism

c.    In the guidance

d.   I don’t think it should be included